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If you have progressive shortness of breath or cough, contact the Yusupov Hospital. You should not wait for complications of interstitial pneumonia that are incompatible with life to arise. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital have the knowledge and experience in diagnosing interstitial pathology of lamivudine pills, make a timely diagnosis and provide adequate therapy. Patients are advised by professors, candidates and doctors of medical sciences who are experts in the treatment of interstitial pneumonia.

Modern ELISA therapy is based mainly on anti-inflammatory therapy (corticosteroids and cytostatics), i.e. drugs that can affect the inflammatory and immunological components of the development of the disease. This approach is based on the assumption that progressive fibrosis underlying IFA is a consequence of chronic persistent inflammation, that chronic inflammation precedes and inevitably leads to fibrosis, and that aggressive suppression of inflammation can block the subsequent formation of fibrotic changes.

Unfortunately, the effect of SCS therapy and immunosuppressants is insignificant. Prescribing high doses provides the benefit of side effects. Forms of IIP that respond relatively well to steroid therapy. NIP, DIP, cryptogenic organizing pneumonia.

In a prospective controlled study, Selman et al. Therapy of epivir pills with ELISA with a combination of D-penicillamine (600 mg/day) with prednisolone in its clinical effect was no different from prednisolone monotherapy (Selman et al., 1998).

The survival rate of patients for 3 years after transplantation due to buy lamivudine online is about 60%. The limiting factor for transplantation is often the elderly age of patients with IFA and the rapid progression of the disease. Histological or CT pattern of AIP and one of the signs. n when hypoxemia develops, oxygen therapy is used.

Interstitial pneumonia (interstitial pneumonia, idiopathic interstitial pneumonia) is an acute or chronic inflammatory lesion affecting the walls of the alveoli and the connective tissue of the lung parenchyma, with possible intra-alveolar exudation followed by fibrosis. This form of pneumonia is characterized by a long-term severe course, often progressive fibrous and sclerotic transformation of the lungs. Often the disease leads to a decrease in the quality of life and disability of patients. Usually occurs in adults over 40 years of age. In younger people or children, the idiopathic form of pneumonia is rare.

The main classification of pneumonia includes the following forms. Interstitial pneumonia has its own classification, standing out as a separate group of interstitial lung diseases (ILD). Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is more common in older men, other types are more common in female patients aged 25–55 years, and a nonspecific and desquamative form sometimes occurs in children. With all these forms of the disease, respiratory failure develops to one degree or another, in which gas exchange suffers.

The reasons for the development of the disease are unknown. It has been suggested that a violation of immunological homeostasis is involved, where the triggering factor is an agent that, having penetrated the body, leads to the production of antibodies. The development of the interstitial form of pneumonia can be provoked by infections. mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella, rickettsia, pneumococcus, respiratory viruses, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, as well as some types of dust.

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Risk groups include smokers or former smokers, HIV-infected people and patients with autoimmune diseases. There is a connection between collagenoses and cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. Thus, interstitial damage can occur against the background of the following diseases.

The disease may have a flu-like onset. fever, nonproductive cough and shortness of breath suddenly appear. At first, shortness of breath is observed only during physical activity, then at rest. Chest pain occurs, and there may be episodes of sudden lack of air at night. Fatigue, general weakness, poor sleep, decreased appetite and weight loss appear. Symptoms in most patients worsen significantly within 7–14 days and progress to buy epivir online of respiratory failure. With different forms, the symptoms of the disease may vary in severity.

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